Possible Parties to a Crime:
There are 4 types:
1) Principle in the 1st Degree
2) Principle in the 2nd Degree
3) Accessories before the fact
4) Accessories after the fact
1. Principle in the 1st Degree:
Any person who actually commits or has committed or participates in the commission of a crime is called the Actual Offender is also known as Principles in the 1st Degree. The person of the Principle in the 1st Degree is awarded by punishment as per the law.
Q) A and B plans to commit a robbery in a house after breaking it?
Ans) both are of the Principle in 1st Degree.
2. Principle in the 2nd Degree:
Any person, who directly or indirectly aids, assists, encourages or instigates the offender during the commission of offence or crime is called Principle in 2nd Degree. The person of the Principle in the 2nd Degree may or may not be physically present at the time and place of occurrence.
Eg: like Terrorist.
Q) B waits outside the house and keeps a watch for any unexpected situation?
Ans) Here, B is called the Principle in 2nd Degree.
3. Accessories before the fact:
Any person who contributes something in the commission of an offence or a crime is called Accessories before crime. In the accessories before the fact, the person may not be physically present at the time and place of occurrence but if he assists or instigates, he is liable.
Eg: Abettor means instigating etc.
Section- 108 of IPC comes under these Accessories before the fact.
(Like supporting with money, giving information etc)
Q) A and B planned to commit a robbery in a house?
Ans) Here, both are Accessories before the fact.
4. Accessories after the fact:
Any person knowing that the offender committed the offence or crime aids or gives shelter to the offender with an intention to defeat the fair trail and Justice is known as Accessories after the fact.
Eg: Knowingly receiving the stolen property.
Q) After the warrant is issued for the arrest of A and B, they go to their friends C’s house.
Ans) C knowing about their crime that was committed by A and B, allows them to hide inside his house or somewhere else.
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