Company: The word “Company” is derived from a Latin word “Com” means “together” and “Panis” means “Bread”. It means, an association of persons had meals together and started discussing on the future venture. When such association got registered or incorporated as per law, it becomes a company with corporate personality. As per Sec-2(20) of Company Act 2013, a company means, A company incorporated under this act or any previous company law i.e. the company established under any existing company law, will continue to be a company. A company on incorporation becomes a separate legal entity and it is distinct from its members. A company is an artificial person and is managed by a natural person. It is vested with many rights, duties and powers as prescribed by the law. The company is distinct from its members and thus an Imaginary veil separates a company from its members. According to Justice James, a company is an association a person’s united for a common purpose. Characteristics: 1) C...
B.A. LL.B (Advocate)